About Me

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Want to write about the fun and interesting things you do over the weekend? Why not give it a go!

I always think it is great if you can follow your dreams, do something that makes you happy or even just try something new!  Last year my New Year's resolution was to write.  I am a bit of a proscastinator at times and the man of the house calls me "gonna"  as in "gonna do this" and it never happens but the thought is there and I do though prove him wrong many times, much to his disgust.  

I came across WeekendNotes which I had already subscribed to online. WeekendNotes.com is an online site where writers can write about fun and interesting things to do.   I applied by submitting a short story and to my surprise WeekendNotes accepted my application. 

Over the last 9 months I have been writing about places I have been to, events coming up, even cafes, restaurants and markets that I enjoyed and thought others would too. I've included the first article I wrote: Sharp Park River Bend Country Bush Camping plus a couple of others: Blackboard Coffee Roasters Cafe, and Ferry Reserve Camping at Brunswick Heads.

It has become a nice little hobby of mine and you do get paid for it, which is definitely a bonus. WeekendNotes have sites all over the world, it may be an opportunity for you to write about places you have been to on your travels, explored and enjoyed, places you have stayed at, dined at, fun activities to do or events coming up. It is a fantastic opportunity to take photos and upload them too.

The editors are there to help you and hey if I can do it I am sure you can too and you never know,  it may lead to a whole new writing adventure, a stepping stone to a new career even!
Click on this WeekendNotes Link  select your city and start writing,  I would love to see your articles.

Live laugh and create.  Happy writing.

Angela x

Stopping off for fuel and supplies with dog in tow.  On way to Sharp Park River Bend camp site.